AudiçãoActiva Store Illustrations




AudicãoActiva is a professional and specialist company in the area of ​​hearing aids that owns 50 stores open to the public nationwide. These illustrations were developed to be integrated into the respective stores and are alluding to monuments or renowned personalities in each of the cities where they are located.

AudicãoActiva is a professional and specialist company in the area of ​​hearing aids that owns 50 stores open to the public nationwide. These illustrations were developed to be integrated into the respective stores and are alluding to monuments or renowned personalities in each of the cities where they are located.

AudicãoActiva is a professional and specialist company in the area of ​​hearing aids that owns 50 stores open to the public nationwide. These illustrations were developed to be integrated into the respective stores and are alluding to monuments or renowned personalities in each of the cities where they are located.

Project Type

Professional Project





Figma Link

© Sara Rodrigues 2023 . All Rights Reserved

© Sara Rodrigues 2023 . All Rights Reserved

© Sara Rodrigues 2023 . All Rights Reserved