AudiçãoActiva Digital Campaigns

Campaign Design

Campaign Design

Campaign Design

AudicãoActiva is a professional and specialist company in the field of hearing aids, which bases its aggressive marketing strategy on digital Google Ads, Display and Facebook campaigns, aimed at the senior public. These are some of the campaigns developed for the various channels in recent years.

AudicãoActiva is a professional and specialist company in the field of hearing aids, which bases its aggressive marketing strategy on digital Google Ads, Display and Facebook campaigns, aimed at the senior public. These are some of the campaigns developed for the various channels in recent years.

AudicãoActiva is a professional and specialist company in the field of hearing aids, which bases its aggressive marketing strategy on digital Google Ads, Display and Facebook campaigns, aimed at the senior public. These are some of the campaigns developed for the various channels in recent years.

Project Type

Professional Project


Marketing Designer



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